Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Most people do not have sufficient room in their jaws to allow wisdom teeth to erupt properly. As a result, wisdom teeth often have loose tissue on or around them resulting in food impaction and poor hygiene.
A chart of types of wisdom teeth impactions
Wisdom Teeth Complications Pericoronitis: Inflammation of the tissue surrounding the wisdom tooth is commonly caused by food impaction under the gum tissue.

Infection: When bacteria spreads from the Pericoronitis and starts to develop an abscess.

Periodontitis: Destruction of tissue and bone around teeth due to long-term exposure to bacteria.

Decay: Bacteria causes destruction of the wisdom tooth and the adjacent tooth.

Cysts: It is possible for cysts to develop around impacted wisdom teeth.

Crowding: Wisdom tooth impaction can lead to the shifting of adjacent teeth.

What To Expect After Extraction

In most cases, the recovery period lasts only a few days. Take painkillers as prescribed by your dentist. The following tips will help speed your recovery: 

  • Bite gently on the gauze pad periodically, and change pads as they become soaked with blood. Call your dentist or oral surgeon if you still have bleeding 24 hours after your surgery.

  • While your mouth is numb, be careful not to bite the inside of your cheek or lip or your tongue.

  • Do not lie flat as this may prolong bleeding. Instead, prop up your head with pillows.

  • Try using an ice pack on the outside of your cheek. Apply for 15 to 20 minutes at a time for the first 24 hours. You can use moist heat, such as a washcloth soaked in warm water (be sure to wring it out), for the following two or three days.

  • Relax after surgery. Physical activity may increase bleeding.

  • Eat soft foods, such as gelatin, pudding, or a thin soup. Gradually add solid foods to your diet as healing progresses.

  • Do not use a straw for the first few days. Sucking on a straw can loosen the blood clot and delay healing.

  • After 24 hours, gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water several times a day to reduce swelling and relieve pain. You can make your own salt water by mixing 1 tsp (5 g) of salt in a medium-sized glass [8 fl oz (240 mL)] of warm water. Do not rinse hard. This can loosen the blood clot and delay healing.

  • Do not smoke for at least 24 hours after your surgery. The sucking motion can loosen the clot and delay healing. Also, smoking decreases the blood supply and can bring germs and contaminants to the surgery area.

  • Avoid rubbing the area with your tongue or touching it with your fingers.

  • Continue to brush your teeth and tongue carefully.

  • The stitches will dissolve on their own.

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