Snoring and/or sleep apnea is due to a collapsing of the upper airway caused by the muscles of the throat relaxing during sleep. To maintain an adequate respiratory flow, the person asleep must make an effort to breathe.
What Causes Sleep Apnea and Snoring?Sleep Apnea: The soft structure of the throat completely obstructs the airway and the patient stops breathing for more than 10 seconds. Sometimes, this can happen over 30 times per hour.
Snoring: The soft structure of the throat vibrates as air is forced through a narrow airway, which produces a snoring sound.
Our Solution for Sleep Apnea and SnoringTo open the upper airway and encourage respiratory flow, the Panthera digital sleep apnea device (D-SAD) moves the lower jaw forward to a comfortable position thus enabling normal airflow so the individual can breathe during their sleep.